Get rid of pink film in your shower
Pink film has a number of names. It is also referred to as pink slime or pink mould. It is a bacterial substance that can take on a pink, pink-orange or even an orange-red colour. This bacteria is airborne and it loves damp conditions. It feeds on the fatty materials that can be found in […]
Limestone Surfaces – How to Choose and Care for Them
When choosing worktops or other surfaces in your home, you will notice that there are a number of types of stone available. Choosing the right stone for you is just as important as understanding how much care is involved. Here’s what you need to know about limestone. Uses Limestone is made up of coral, shell […]
Granite worktops and how to make your choice
When choosing granite worktops for your kitchen, bathroom or other surfaces in your home, there are three main factors to consider. By taking the time to really consider all of these factors, you will make a choice that you will enjoy for many years to come. Colour Granite comes in various colours including beige, brown, […]
What You Need to Know Before Installing Limestone
If you are considering installing limestone in your home, it’s important to know what you can expect. Apart from a definite improvement in terms of aesthetic appeal, this stone can also add value to your home by ensuring that you have stylish yet durable surfaces. Where to install limestone This type of natural stone is […]
Pros and Cons of Natural Stone Tiles in your Bathroom
While you may not spend as much time in your bathroom as you do your kitchen, it is still one of the most important parts of any home. Not only is hygiene a major factor, but a beautiful bathroom can also help boost the value of your property. Here are some of the pros and […]
Bathroom Worktop Options, Pros and Cons
Even if you have a small bathroom, worktops are essential. Not only is it important to choose worktops that look good, but also materials that will withstand the high levels of humidity in this room. Here are some options as well as the pros and cons associated with each worktop type. Laminate These surfaces are […]
Choosing Vanity Worktops for your Bathroom
Your bathroom is one room in your home that might be frequented by your entire family as well as guests. This is all the more reason why hygiene is so important. In order to maintain a hygienic environment and to make your bathroom easy to clean, you may want to consider natural stone worktops. If […]
What Causes Grouting to Turn Yellow?
When wall or floor tiles are installed, there are gaps between each slab. These gaps are filled with grouting. Of course, just like natural stone surfaces, it’s also important to take proper care of the grouting in between. If you notice discolouration, the following causes could be to blame. Bath and body products Soap, shampoo […]
Why Order All of your Worktops at Once
When shopping around for the perfect natural stone worktops for your kitchen, bathroom or other part of your home, it’s important that you place a complete order. Sometimes we see people try to renovate a room on a budget by doing a little here and a little there. This does not work out for a […]
Why Use Special Natural Stone Cleaners?
When you invest in natural stone worktops, it’s understandable for you to want these surfaces to look great for many years. Stone is durable and made to last. You have a number of choices, including marble, granite, quartz, limestone and more. No matter the type of stone you choose, these worktops will require a moderate […]