What You Need to Know Before Installing Limestone

If you are considering installing limestone in your home, it’s important to know what you can expect. Apart from a definite improvement in terms of aesthetic appeal, this stone can also add value to your home by ensuring that you have stylish yet durable surfaces.

Where to install limestone

This type of natural stone is ideal for use as kitchen backsplashes, flooring, worktops and fireplace surrounds, to name a few. Given the more porous nature of the stone, it is important to note that it should be installed where it will not come into contact with too much water. If you would like to use limestone in your bathroom, you need to make sure that you discuss this with a stone professional. Not only will they be able to assist you in finding the right type of limestone as well as any additional treatments such as sealing.

Why limestone is vulnerable to water

There are a number of reasons why water can change the appearance of your limestone surfaces. This is due to three main reasons: the iron content, porosity and presence of water-soluble materials in the stone. The iron in the stone can oxidise which will result in stains that cannot be removed. Limestone is also known for being especially porous. When water penetrates the stone, it will come into contact with the salts inside the stone and, when the stone dries, the salt will crystallise again. This can result in flaking, peeling or even the breaking on the stone surface. Other water-soluble materials in this stone can also dissolve or disintegrate over time which will compromise the integrity of the stone.

In short, the most important thing to remember is that there are steps you can take. You can seal the surface regularly and make sure that you clean up any water or spills right away. If your limestone surface suffers damage despite your best efforts, don’t replace it just yet. You can have the stone professionally cleaned and restored.
