How to look after your Marble bathroom

Not only is marble durable but it’s also elegant and sure to help increase the value of your home. You are bound to pay a fair price for marble but, when you consider that it will last much longer than many other surfaces, it will pay for itself in time. Provided, of course, that you take proper care of it.

The first key to maintaining your marble bathroom is to avoid using any harsh or abrasive chemicals. Water-based or pH neutral cleaners are ideal for stone surfaces. Abrasive cleaners might be suitable for scratch resistant services but you will damage the marble’s perfect finish if you clean them with these kinds of substances.

Always use a soft cloth to wipe your marble surfaces down. A chamois is one of the best options. You should never use a scouring pad or any kind of scrubber. Like abrasive cleaners, they will scratch the surface.

Remember to clean up any spills as soon as they happen. The best way to do this is by using some kitchen towel to absorb the spill. Blot the surface (much like you would a rug or carpet) and don’t rub or scrub. Once the spill has been cleaned up, use your pH neutral cleaner to make sure that nothing has been left behind.

Protect your marble surfaces from any heat by placing hot items (i.e. curling irons) on a wooden board or another mat to absorb the heat. When you install your new marble surfaces, make sure that you have them properly sealed for that extra protection against damage.
