Popular kitchen backsplash design

There are plenty of different kitchen backsplash designs out there. However, one of the most popular trends at the moment is the use of a full-height slab. These are also known as sheet or panel backsplashes and they offer a number of fantastic advantages.

When choosing these types of backsplashes, you will instantly add a visual attraction to your kitchen along with a great dose of luxury. Natural stone slabs that match your worktops will really show off your personal style while creating a seamless flow to the design.

Ideal for modern kitchens and great for anyone who wants to make their kitchen easier to clean. Without a backsplash, you will end up with stains on your walls. Many of which cannot be cleaned or covered with paint. Oil, for example, penetrates walls immediately no matter how quickly you wipe them clean. When repainting, this oil shows through the fresh coat of paint too.

The larger slabs also mean that there are fewer seams in between. This makes them that much easier to clean since dirt and grime doesn’t have as many places to hide. Like your worktops, you can simply seal your stone backsplash on a regular basis to ensure that it is protected in the event of a spill like soapy water or a burst of oil while frying your favourite food.
