The Difference between Limestone and Soapstone

Soapstone and limestone are both popular choices in natural stone. When choosing between these two, it is important to understand the origins of each so that you know which one will suit your needs best.

Limestone can be found in the form of stalactites and stalagmites. This sedimentary rock is rich in calcium carbonate and can also be manufactured through processes designed to replicate those of nature. Soapstone is made up of metamorphic rock and is created through more of a thermal process. Soapstone is rich in dolomite, magnesite and chlorite which gives it great durability and offers a wide variety of colours.

Limestone comes in various earthy colours that range from black and brown to red and beige. Soapstone is available in more colours including yellow, pink, green, white and black. This colour variety often results in homeowners opting for soapstone rather than limestone.

When choosing between these two materials, it is also important to take maintenance and durability into account. In general, soapstone is tougher and more resistant to stains. Limestone needs to be sealed upon installation and regularly resealed in order to prevent substances from penetrating the surface. All natural stone worktops will require some form of care if you want to keep it looking great for longer. Some, however, are less susceptible to damage than others.
