Limestone Surfaces – How to Choose and Care for Them

When choosing worktops or other surfaces in your home, you will notice that there are a number of types of stone available. Choosing the right stone for you is just as important as understanding how much care is involved. Here’s what you need to know about limestone. Uses Limestone is made up of coral, shell […]

What You Need to Know Before Installing Limestone

If you are considering installing limestone in your home, it’s important to know what you can expect. Apart from a definite improvement in terms of aesthetic appeal, this stone can also add value to your home by ensuring that you have stylish yet durable surfaces. Where to install limestone This type of natural stone is […]

Limestone Worktops – A Classic Look for your Home

If you, like many homeowners, are looking for the ideal stone worktops, you should consider limestone. You may have heard of granite, marble and quartz, but many people don’t know exactly what limestone has to offer. Elegance The main reason why we want to install new worktops in our homes is because they look so […]

Why Use Special Natural Stone Cleaners?

When you invest in natural stone worktops, it’s understandable for you to want these surfaces to look great for many years. Stone is durable and made to last. You have a number of choices, including marble, granite, quartz, limestone and more. No matter the type of stone you choose, these worktops will require a moderate […]