5 Reasons to Choose Granite Countertops

Whether your time spent in the kitchen is as brief as reheating last night’s pizza or you’re a dedicated fan of cooking and the kitchen is your work, the way this space looks always matters. Granite countertops are one of those additions for your house that you will be glad you made and here are five reason to win you over.

First of all, it’s an investment. Whether it is done for your newly purchased home or you’re doing some remodelling before selling, people looking got a house to buy usually take a look first at the places where the family is centred. There are the kitchen and living room. A well-chosen countertop is an eye catcher and the high quality material will increase the overall value of the house. When seeing quality in details, the buyer will know that there is value in the property.

pink granite countertops

Secondly, granite is gorgeous! It comes in a wide variety of colours and patterns, from warm to cool tones, to small and almost geometrical patterns to bigger, organic like shapes. It has a beautiful lustre and fits perfectly to any kitchen, regardless of your preferred decorating style; modern, minimalist or old school. And, as a bonus, your countertop will be unique, because granite is a natural stone, so no two pieces are alike.

A third reason for choosing a granite countertop is the everlasting fascination with this material. It’s been used for hundreds of years and it’s qualities keep it as the most popular addition. It has beauty, personality and durability, traits that will keep it a top choice for many homes. Granite will always be stylish. 

The fourth reason for choosing a granite countertop is the durability of the surface. One of the hardest material available in nature for this purpose, it’s composition is variable, hence the different colours and patterns. So, although each single component’s durability ranges from 2 to 7 on the Mohs scale, diamond being a 10, what makes granite harder than other rock types is the fact that it has an interlocking mineral structure. High quality types of granite are very resistant to staining or cracking and it is also quite resistant to the temperatures you usually find in the kitchen. Keep in mind though that rapid heating create stress, as natural flaws can be present in the stone.

The fifth reason to choose a granite countertop is the fact that it is a low maintenance material for a work surface. As explained above, granite is a great choice for a heavy duty surface. It can be cleaned with water and soap and sealed from time to time, but depending on the quality of the granite, some mights not need sealing at all. 

You really cannot go wrong with granite – it is a stylish choice that will last for years and prove its worth many times over.
