Day: December 19, 2019

Quartz Worktops with Added Sparkle

Over time, we see many trends come and go. This is true for all things in life, including stone worktops. One of the current trends that seems to be picking up pace is the addition of some shimmer and shine. Yes, sparkly surfaces have been popular for some time already but there are some slight changes to this trend. Popular choices in the past The initial trend involved quartz worktops with larger mirror pieces that were added to reflect light and create that sparkly effect. These pieces are clearly visible and they help add texture to the surface. It’s also great for those who are not all that keep on solid colours that require frequent cleaning. The new trend Today, there is a slight variation on the initial trend. Namely the size of the mirror pieces that are added to the quartz. These pieces have become significantly smaller. So small,

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