Day: February 15, 2018

Worktops that Don’t Show Fingerprints

When selecting any kind of furniture or fixture for your home, there are a number of questions you are bound to ask. One of the main concerns we all have is care and cleaning. When an item will most likely require a fair bit of maintenance or cleaning effort, we tend to look for an alternative. Fingerprints are not dirt or stains but they can make it look like you have not taken the time to clean your home. Hygiene is essential in any kitchen which is why we always want to see clean worktops. If you see worktops covered in fingerprints, it can make you wonder if your meal was prepared in clean conditions. Now, fingerprints are not necessarily a sign of dirt but they just have that subconscious effect that makes us cringe. So, since you cannot avoid them and you cannot wipe your worktops every five minutes,

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