Day: March 11, 2016

Avoid paying too much for natural stone worktops

Natural stone worktops are often associated with higher prices than other, inferior materials. In their defence, they are far more durable than many other softer materials and they give any room that desirable touch of class and elegance. With all of the advantages in mind, it can be easy to feel like you should pay a fairly steep price for these worktops. That said it’s good to know what to look for in a supplier. When shopping around for the right stone and the right price, you should pace yourself and take the time to research each supplier. As with any product, the more hands involved, the higher the price usually is. In other words, if you are buying directly from the wholesaler, you will normally get a better deal than those offered by your average retailer. Take a look at the reputation of each stone supplier. Find out what

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