Do granite worktops release radon?

When you ask any granite expert about the risk of radon, they will usually provide you with the simple answer. In easy terms, the answer is that quartz and granite worktops do release some amounts of radon gas but the amounts are so small that they are not of any consequence. What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced by the breakdown of Uranium-238 and Thorium-234. This gas can have serious health repercussions if it is inhaled. However, it is important to remember that this is a gas and, therefore, there are a number of ways in which you can prevent such health risks. Radon in UK homes In many cases, homes throughout the UK and Europe already have moderate levels of radon. Radon is more commonly found in areas like basements that are surrounded or built upon natural granite. The large quantity of this rock and

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